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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Life Church Boise - "We're In"

Life Church Boise -  "We're In"
New Location - First service today at 10:00am.
It was awesome, and everything went very well.  We had a great turnout (filled the house). Audio and Video went nicely considering there were many "firsts".  What is most incredible is the amount of work that has been accomplished in the last couple of months. Great job to everyone involved!

Video by Hoff Design Studio

Come And See

Visit Life Church Boise new location on Eagle just north of Franklin, Sundays at 10:00am.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Splash and Pink Rose

Yesterday morning, I shot this with a couple of halogen lights (one on each side of the sink) with the camera set on a tripod. Believe it or not, the two 500w halogen work lights were nearly not enough light for this high speed shot. I think that next time I will experiment with flash. Here is the result of timing a drip from the faucet on my kitchen sink that splashed into a pan filled with dirty dishwater, (thats right, I meant to do the dishes but got sidetracked). Once I captured the image, I converted it to black and white in photoshop, then created a blue gradient image and an amber gradient image and combined all three using the photoshop filter 'multiply'

Next, this morning I was making coffee and looked out the window...yes I got the coffee made first! Then I took a white umbrella (to diffuse the direct sunlight and to reflect my flash), a radio flash unit (fires from a radio signal rather than a flash signal), my 70-200mm 2.8 lense and camera. I put sand bags on the light stand to keep it from blowing over with the umbrella connected. This flower was in the direct sunlight and would have been way over exposed if shot with the direct sunlight, so I placed the umbrella in front of the sun diffusing the light. Then I pointed my flash into the umbrella for light that would enable me to capture a crisp image. The lower the f-stop the blurrier the background and less light in the background. Here is the result after doing some practicing...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Artist Of the Month: St Als

Artist of The Month at St Als, Boise ID We just delivered 18 art pieces to St Al's today and it will be displayed for the month of April.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life Church Remodel - 'Beam Day'

Life Church Remodel - "Beam Day" Feb 15 2012 created by Hoff Design Studio, Boise Idaho

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Resistance - "Reason For My Love"

Here is our latest video production, we shot this on Saturday.  These guys did a great job.  You are going to love them!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

We had two drawings for the Business and Technology Expo.  The first was for a framed art print by Eric Hoff, called, "Techno Abstract" and the second was our video package valued at  $1,278.00 for a green screen video shoot, 30 second HD video commercial (for use with TV and Web) with the client as actor, including music and basic editing (photo backdrops, animated words, moving images).  Our winners are:

Art work:  NCM Idaho Theatres - Tracey Green (Cinema Advertising)

Video Shoot:  Tribute Media - Shane Whitney 

Congratulations to our winners, and may this year be the best ever!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Visit Our Online Photo Gallery for examples of some of our photography work.
The Artist Market

Join us at the Business and Technology Expo

Join us today at the Boise Center on the Grove, we are in booth number 206.
We will be giving away a 30 second green screen studio shoot recorded in HD for use with the web or tv with the client as the actor, and we will provide the sound and basic video editing.  We will also be doing a drawing for a piece of framed artwork by artist Eric Hoff.

Wednesday January 25, 2012 noon to 4pm
Thursday January 26, 2012 10am to 4pm

HMI Promotional Video

Piano Solo Tribute

Hoff Design Promotional Video

HMI Promotional Video

Broadcast for HMI "Love" Faith to Overcome" Part 1 of 2

Broadcast for HMI "Love" Faith to Overcome Part 2 of 2

Example of our promotional video for web or tv